

Absolute advantage, ad valorem tariff, administrative trade policies, Andean Pact, antidumping policies, antidumping regulations, arbitrage, ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations), balance-of-payments accounts, banking crisis, barriers to entry, barter, basic research centers, bilateral netting, bill of exchange, bill of lading (or draft), Bretton Woods, bureaucratic controls, capital account, capital controls, CARICOM, caste system, centralized depository, channel length, civil law system, class consciousness, class system, collectivism, COMECON, command economy, common law system, common market, communist totalitarianism, communists, comparative advantage, competition policy, constant returns to specialization, controlling interest, copyright, core competence, counterpurchase, countertrade, cross-cultural literacy, cross-licensing agreement, cultural controls, culture, currency board, currency crisis, currency speculation, currency swap, currency translation, current account, current account deficit, current account surplus, current cost accounting, current rate method, customs union, D'Amato Act, deferral principle, democracy, deregulation, diminishing returns to specialization, dirty-float system, draft, drawee, dumping, eclectic paradigm, e-commerce, economic exposure, economic risk, economic union, economies of scale, ecu, efficient market, ending rate, ethical systems, ethnocentric behavior, ethnocentric staffing, eurobonds, eurocurrency, eurodollar, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), European Monetary System (EMS), European Union (EU), exchange rate, exchange rate mechanism (ERM), exclusive channels, expatriate failure, expatriate manager, experience curve, experience curve pricing, export management company, Export-Import Bank (Eximbank), exporting, externalities, externally convertible currency, factor endowments, factors of production, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), financial structure, first-mover advantages, first-mover disadvantages, Fisher Effect, fixed exchange rates, fixed-rate bond, flexible machine cells, flexible manufacturing technologies, floating exchange rates, flow of foreign direct investment, folkways, foreign bonds, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, foreign debt crisis, foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign exchange exposure, foreign exchange market, foreign exchange risk, foreign portfolio investment (FPI), forward exchange, forward exchange rate, franchising, free trade, free trade area, freely convertible currency, fronting loans, fundamental analysis, gains from trade, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), geocentric staffing, global learning, global matrix structure, global strategy, global web, globalization, globalization of markets, globalization of production, gold par value, gold standard, gross domestic product (GDP), gross fixed capital formation, gross national product (GNP), group, Heckscher-Ohlin theory, hedge fund, Helms-Burton Act, historic cost principle, home country, horizontal differentiation, horizontal foreign direct investment, host country, human development index, human resource management, import quota, individualism, individualism versus collectivism, inefficient market, infant industry argument, inflows of FDI, initial rate, innovation, integrating mechanisms, intellectual property, internal forward rate, internalization theory, International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), international business, international division, International Fisher Effect, International Monetary Fund (IMF), international strategy, international trade, ISO 9000, joint venture, just-in-time (JIT), lag strategy, late-mover advantage, law of one price, lead market, lead strategy, lean production systems, learning effects, legal risk, legal system, Leontief paradox, letter of credit, licensing, local content requirement, location economies, location-specific advantages, logistics, Maastricht Treaty, maker, managed-float system, management networks, market economy, market imperfections, market makers, market power, market segmentation, marketing mix, masculinity versus femininity, mass customization, materials management, mercantilism, MERCOSUR, minimum efficient scale, MITI, mixed economy, money management, Moore's Law, moral hazard, mores, multidomestic strategy, Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), multilateral netting, multinational enterprise (MNE), multipoint competition, multipoint pricing, new trade theory, nonconvertible currency, norms, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), oligopoly, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), outflows of FDI, output controls, Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, patent, performance ambiguity, personal controls, pioneering costs, political economy, political risk, political system, polycentric staffing, positive-sum game, power distance, predatory pricing, price discrimination, price elasticity of demand, privatization, product life-cycle theory, production, projected rate, property rights, pull strategy, purchasing power parity (PPP), push strategy, regional economic integration, relatively efficient market, representative democracy, right-wing totalitarianism, royalties, short selling, sight draft, Single European Act, Smoot-Hawley Tariff, social democrats, social mobility, social strata, social structure, socialism, society, sogo shosha, sourcing decisions, specialized asset, specific tariff, spot exchange rate, staffing policy, state-directed economy, stock of foreign direct investment, strategic alliances, strategic commitment, strategic trade policy, strategy, Structural Impediments Initiative, subsidy, swaps, systematic risk, tariff, tax credit, tax haven, tax treaty, technical analysis, temporal method, theocratic totalitarianism, time draft, time-based competition, timing of entry, total quality management, totalitarianism, trade creation, trade deficit, trade diversion, trade surplus, trademark, transaction costs, transaction exposure, transfer fee, transfer price, translation exposure, transnational corporation, transnational financial reporting, transnational strategy, Treaty of Rome, tribal totalitarianism, turnkey project, unbundling, uncertainty avoidance, universal needs, value creation, values, vehicle currency, vertical differentiation, vertical foreign direct investment, vertical integration, voluntary export restraint (VER), wholly owned subsidiary, World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), worldwide area structure, worldwide product division structure, zero-sum game.