Voyevodins' Library _ "International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace" / Charles W.L. Hill ... Chapter 17 ... patent, performance ambiguity, personal controls, pioneering costs, political economy, political risk, political system, polycentric staffing, positive-sum game, power distance, predatory pricing, price discrimination, price elasticity of demand, privatization, product life-cycle theory, production, projected rate, property rights, pull strategy, purchasing power parity (PPP), push strategy, regional economic integration, relatively efficient market, representative democracy, right-wing totalitarianism, royalties, short selling, sight draft, Single European Act, Smoot-Hawley Tariff, social democrats, social mobility, social strata, social structure, socialism, society, sogo shosha, sourcing decisions, specialized asset, specific tariff, spot exchange rate, staffing policy, state-directed economy, stock of foreign direct investment, strategic alliances, strategic commitment, strategic trade policy, strategy, Structural Impediments Initiative Voevodin's Library: patent, performance ambiguity, personal controls, pioneering costs, political economy, political risk, political system, polycentric staffing, positive-sum game, power distance, predatory pricing, price discrimination, price elasticity of demand, privatization, product life-cycle theory, production, projected rate, property rights, pull strategy, purchasing power parity (PPP), push strategy, regional economic integration, relatively efficient market, representative democracy, right-wing totalitarianism, royalties, short selling, sight draft, Single European Act, Smoot-Hawley Tariff, social democrats, social mobility, social strata, social structure, socialism, society, sogo shosha, sourcing decisions, specialized asset, specific tariff, spot exchange rate, staffing policy, state-directed economy, stock of foreign direct investment, strategic alliances, strategic commitment, strategic trade policy, strategy, Structural Impediments Initiative

 Voyevodins' Library ... Main page    "International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace" / Charles W.L. Hill ... Contents

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Chapter 17 Outline

Procter & Gamble in Japan: from Marketing Failure to Success


The Globalization of Markets?

Market Segmentation

Product Attributes

Cultural Differences

Economic Differences

Product and Technical Standards

Distribution Strategy

A Typical Distribution System

Differences between Countries

Choosing a Distribution Strategy

Communication Strategy

Barriers to International Communication

Push versus Pull Strategies

Global Advertising

Pricing Strategy

Price Discrimination

Strategic Pricing

Regulatory Influences on Prices

Configuring the Marketing Mix

New Product Development

The Location of R&D

Integrating R&D, Marketing, and Production

Cross-Functional Teams

Implications for the International Business

Chapter Summary

Critical Discussion Questions

Nike--The Ugly American?


<< Chapter 16 Notes
Procter & Gamble in Japan: from Marketing Failure to Success >>