Voyevodins' Library _ "International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace" / Charles W.L. Hill ... Chapter 5 ... currency speculation, currency swap, currency translation, current account, current account deficit, current account surplus, current cost accounting, current rate method, customs union, D'Amato Act, deferral principle, democracy, deregulation, diminishing returns to specialization, dirty-float system, draft, drawee, dumping, eclectic paradigm, e-commerce, economic exposure, economic risk, economic union, economies of scale, ecu, efficient market, ending rate, ethical systems, ethnocentric behavior, ethnocentric staffing, eurobonds, eurocurrency, eurodollar, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), European Monetary System (EMS), European Union (EU), exchange rate, exchange rate mechanism (ERM), exclusive channels, expatriate failure, expatriate manager, experience curve, experience curve pricing, export management company, Export-Import Bank (Eximbank), exporting, externalities, externally convertible currency, factor endowments Voevodin's Library: currency speculation, currency swap, currency translation, current account, current account deficit, current account surplus, current cost accounting, current rate method, customs union, D'Amato Act, deferral principle, democracy, deregulation, diminishing returns to specialization, dirty-float system, draft, drawee, dumping, eclectic paradigm, e-commerce, economic exposure, economic risk, economic union, economies of scale, ecu, efficient market, ending rate, ethical systems, ethnocentric behavior, ethnocentric staffing, eurobonds, eurocurrency, eurodollar, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), European Monetary System (EMS), European Union (EU), exchange rate, exchange rate mechanism (ERM), exclusive channels, expatriate failure, expatriate manager, experience curve, experience curve pricing, export management company, Export-Import Bank (Eximbank), exporting, externalities, externally convertible currency, factor endowments

 Voyevodins' Library ... Main page    "International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace" / Charles W.L. Hill ... Contents

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Chapter 5 Outline

Trade in Hormone-Treated Beef


Instruments of Trade Policy



Import Quotas and Voluntary Export Restraints

Local Content Requirements

Antidumping Policies

Administrative Policies

The Case for Government Intervention

Political Arguments for Intervention

Economic Arguments for Intervention

The Revised Case for Free Trade

Retaliation and Trade War

Domestic Politics

Development of the World Trading System

From Smith to the Great Depression

1947 - 1979: GATT, Trade Liberalization, and
Economic Growth

1980 - 1993: Disturbing Trends

The Uruguay Round and
the World Trade Organization

WTO: Early Experience

The Future: Unresolved Issues

Implications for Business

Trade Barriers and Firm Strategy

Policy Implications

Chapter Summary

Critical Discussion Questions

Shrimps, Turtles, and the WTO


<< Chapter 4 Notes
Trade in Hormone-Treated Beef >>